Module 6:
"Place Value, Comparison, Addition and Subtraction to 100"
"Place Value, Comparison, Addition and Subtraction to 100"
In this module, students:
What can you do at home to support the learning in this module?
- Count and write numbers to 120.
- Extend their understanding of and skill with tens and ones with numbers to 100.
- Continue to practice addition and subtraction.
- End the year with a celebratory review of all that's been studied in number.
What can you do at home to support the learning in this module?
- Have fun creating and solving simple addition or subtraction word problems based on everyday events. "I had 12 crackers and I got 4 more of them. How many do I have now?" or "I had 11 crackers but I ate 5 of them. How many do I have now?"
- Ask your child to count from any number within 120, going about 15 numbers. "Count from 58 to 73. Now try 86 to 101!"