Welcome to Math at Mallett in 1st Grade!
First Grade mathematics is about:
By the end of this year, students learn:
First Grade mathematics is about:
- Developing understanding of addition, subtraction, and strategies for addition and subtraction within 20.
- Developing understanding of number relationships and place value, including grouping in tens and ones.
- Developing understanding of linear measurement and measuring lengths as repeating length units.
- Describing, composing, and decomposing geometric shapes.
By the end of this year, students learn:
- to count to 120 from any number other than 1.
- to solve a variety of addition and subtraction word problems.
- that the numbers 11-19 are made of a ten and some more ones, and that the decade numbers (10, 20, 30, etc.) are made of 1 ten, 2 tens, 3 tens, etc.
- the addend pairs for numbers 1-10.
- to describe shape attributes, and put shapes together to make new shapes, like putting two triangles together to make a rectangle.
- to compare and order objects by length.