Module 4:
"Addition and Subtraction within 200 with Word Problems to 100"
"Addition and Subtraction within 200 with Word Problems to 100"
In this module, students:
What can you do at home to support the learning in this module?
- Increase fluency when adding and subtracting with two-digit numbers.
- Solve word problems that involve two-digit addition and subtraction.
What can you do at home to support the learning in this module?
- Encourage your child to explain her mathematical thinking when doing homework or playing math games. "How did you solve that problem? Can you explain your thinking to me?"
- Ask your child how many ones, tens, and hundreds are in numbers that you and your child come across. "How many tens are there in 452?"
- Continue to practice counting by ones from any number to any number within 1000, and continue counting by tens from any number to any number within 1000. "Let's count by tens from 583 to 723."