Module 2:
"Two and Three Dimensional Shapes"
"Two and Three Dimensional Shapes"
In this module, students:
What can you do at home to support the learning in this module?
- Find flat (2D) and solid (3D) shapes in the environment.
- Learn position words, like "behind" and "above."
- Continue to learn what pairs of numbers make 3, 4, and 5.
What can you do at home to support the learning in this module?
- Help your child look for and describe shapes in common objects, like seeing the circle in a clock, or a rectangle in a door. "What shapes do you see in our kitchen?"
- Ask your child questions involving position words, like "below" and "next to" and "in front of." "Can you put your spoon next to your plate?"
- Continue to review and practice counting numbers up to 10. "Let's hear you count in a squeaky voice: 1..."